How to clean your house plastic free

Here are some tips, tricks and swaps to help keep your house clean without loads of plastic waste

Jul 13, 2022

7 Easy Plastic Free Swaps For your Bathroom

Want to reduce your plastic waste? Here are 7 super easy plastic free swaps for your bathroom.

Jul 08, 2022

Helping you to reduce your plastic footprint

How taking part in the Big Plastic Count really reaffirmed my belief that small changes can make a big difference and how we can help you to reduce your plastic footprint by taking small easy steps

Jun 10, 2022

Mindful Meadow Series: The Final Design

Here is the final bar in this #nomowmay inspired series and it's a beautiful swirly delight! Now I need your help to pick the design that is the best!!

May 30, 2022

Mindful Meadow Series: Third design

And we are back with the third bar in the Mindful Meadow series and it is a super cute bar of soap!

May 22, 2022

Mindful Meadow Series: Design 2

So we are back for design 2 in our Mindful Meadow series - for this soap I went for a hidden flower design.

May 13, 2022

New Soap series: Mindful Meadow Redesign

As it is #nomowmay it is the perfect time to redesign our wildflower inspired soap, Mindful Meadow. I 'm creating 4 different designs and I'm going to need your help to decide which design is best!

May 07, 2022

The Importance of No Mow May

#NoMowMay encourages those of us lucky enough to have a green space of our own to do, well nothing!! They want us to put our lawn mowers away for the whole month of May and let the wildflowers grow!

Apr 30, 2022

How to Make Hair Wax

I thought as we are still in Plastic Free July I would share with you a really easy recipe for hair wax that you can make at home, plastic free.

Jul 23, 2021

A Soaping Space Of My Own

I really want to have a dedicated soap making space as up until this point I have been using a small section of the kitchen worktop (basically the size of a large chopping board).

May 27, 2021

Learning to Make Soap: Part 13

After last week when I had some mixed results when it came to testing my natural colourants I am back making a whole kilo of coloured soap. Let's see how it goes...

May 20, 2021

Learning to Make Soap: Part 12

As promised this blog post reports back on how my experiments using natural colours went. Well if I am honest, it has been a little bit mixed!

May 13, 2021

Learning to Make Soap: Part 11

I am pleased to report that I have finally managed to order everything I need to finalise my soap formulations. The next step is to test out the natural colourants...

May 06, 2021

Learning to Make Soap: Part 10

Have I managed to move forward with getting my soaps ready to be safety assessed? Well the honest answer is no! It has taken me a ridiculous amount of time to purchase my ingredients...

Apr 29, 2021

Learning to Make Soap: Part 9

I am now getting to the point where I need to finalise my soap recipes so that I can submit them for safety assessment and this is leading to some serious procrastination.

Apr 22, 2021

Just One of Those Weeks

Sometimes you just have to accept that it has been one of those weeks. I should have recognised it from the start - a migraine spanning the entire weekend.

Apr 15, 2021

Why Kindness Matters

Apart from the obvious benefit such a practice would bring to others and the planet, why should you consider including acts of kindness as part of your daily routine?

Mar 18, 2021